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Private visit Palazzo Maffei

A few steps from Vista Palazzo, at the end of the charming Piazza delle Erbe, is a 17th-century palace with a magnificent Baroque facade inside which are hidden wonderful works of art, true masterpieces all to be discovered .
Palazzo Maffei is a new landmark for art lovers, an eclectic journey among masterpieces and curiosities spanning more than two thousand years. Don’t miss this exciting itinerary through ancient and modern, the result of more than 50 years of passionate collecting.

A new landmark for art lovers

A twin soul itinerary through the ancient and the modern, with over 350 works that create a dialogue between the arts: painting, sculpture, architecture and applied arts. A selection of great interest that includes works from the 14th century until today, the fruit of over fifty years of passionate collecting of the businessman Luigi Carlon.

The exhibition itinerary is surprising, with over 350 works, among which 200 paintings, around twenty sculptures, drawings and an important selection of applied art objects (furniture, antique mirrors, renaissance ceramics and seventeenth-century majolica, as well as silver, ivory and wood artifacts, pieces of oriental art and rare books) distinguished by an everlasting eclecticism.

In the first section of the museum, characterized by the view over Piazza delle Erbe, a dialogue has been created between the ambiance of the Noble Floor, where the atmosphere of a private home can be felt, and the idea of the cabinet of curiosities. The dialogue continues throughout the exhibition, where a piece of modern art unexpectedly breaks the thematically arranged classical works.

In the second half, dedicated to twentieth-century and contemporary art, a proper gallery space has been created, where numerous masterpieces stand out and the passion for Futurism and Metaphysical art can be seen through the works of great artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini, as well as Pablo Picasso, Giorgio de Chirico, Felice Casorati and Giorgio Morandi next to René Magritte, Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp. And also Afro, Emilio Vedova, Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri, Tancredi, Gino De Dominicis, Piero Manzoni. The result of this hard work is Palazzo Maffei House Museum, a cultural initiative fostered by Luigi Carlon, businessman and Veronese collector, architectural project by studio Baldessari and Baldessari and curatorial project by Gabriella Belli, with scientific contributions by Valerio Terraroli and Enrico Maria Guzzo.

Duration of the tour: 1.5 hours